Sunday, November 16, 2008

I Love my little sister.....

This is random but just a little tribbute. Whit, you are one amazing person with so much potential. Your personality is one in a million and the spunk well who knows where it came from... I love you and am so happy to call you my sister.....
Loves GF BFF...


Taryn said...

whit you are sooooo beautiful! And.,..there is nothing better in life than sisters!

Unknown said...

I love you both so much! Make sure you always take good care of each other. Reading that made me all teary eyed! You girls are the best cousins ever!!!!:)

The Neads said...

She is sooo beautiful... How is everything going??

Dave and Ashlee Dansie said...

I love you both so much, you are both so much fun and I love any time the Nelsons and Woolstenhulmes get together! Sisters are the best and as you know mine pretty much is the best also!
Love you Ash

alicia king said...

she's a cutie, and I fun sister I bet!

Woolstenhulme-4-ever said...

I love you to Whit! She is such a talented girl. She has such an amazing voice! She is such a good aunt and the kids love her!