Thursday, November 6, 2008

I Got Tagged..... SO here we Go...

well here ya go this is Bryons First Deer it was shot last year in `07 and he was so proud we almost could not Find it we looked all night and we were about to leave and we barley stumbled on to it i thought bryon was going to cry.... Good job BABE you are a trophy hunter.......


Amanda said...

Wow very cool. I am glad there is talented people like you to go hunting. I am sure I wouldn't be brave enough :o) Miss ya

Dave and Ashlee Dansie said...

Hope tell Bry I am so proud of him following in your foot steps HA HA

Taryn said...

ya...sooo I am not a hunter :) but I enjoy seeing you guys like it ;) good job on keeping up on the blog these days!