Monday, May 18, 2009

WOW............ I LOVE MY FAMILY.........

Oh and a Nasty looking ELK just before moose WY.... how cute he stoped and posed for my Pic.

Yes these are all cows..... in Nebraska its only one photo it was the hugest cow farm i have ever saw..

Sidney NE cabelas we did not stop we were tired and on a budget and besides we have no room for any thing so a picture is good enough to show we were there...

This was like the first cool thing we saw... hahaha

Cheyanne? WY it was like a pretty big city kinda crazy......we had seen nothing but sage brush

Dad this is for you..... Their was a Bunch... like Hundreds it was cool.....

seirously this is what it looked like for 12 hours WY and NE are Offically the uglyest states i have yet seen in my 20 years of life...

Just a nother shot dad it went on for like 4-5 miles just tonz of wind mills!!

The TETONS the last sight of Home....

WEll we had a good day we were on the road 12 hours stoped only a 5 or 6 time went 680 miles and we are beat Now staying in North Platte NE its a nice big town we had arbys for dinner and are ready for bed.. We love and miss you all so keep us posted just like i will and well see you in a few short months...Love Bryon Hope and Baby Grace ;)


Woolstenhulme-4-ever said...

I'm so glad you are taking pics along the way. You were not kidding that is some boring land scape. Hopefully it will get better! Love ya Kort

Julie said...

oh it looks like the trip to Boise only 3x longer! hope it gets better! im sure it will! The pic of the Tetons on the way out of town made me cry! Im a baby! anyway on with life!!! enjoy everyday and make a memory! (a good one!) love ya!

Jessie Woolstenhulme said...

hey girl! sorry we couldn't come up on friday! i wanted to see you guys before you left! what a boring drive!! are you naming the baby grace?? how cute!!! drive safe!!!